The Census Commission of India recently published the results of a 2010 survey of roughly 246 million households, and it showed that 44.8% own bicycles. India’s northeastern states of Sikkim, Nagaland and Mizoram where over 80% surveyed households do not own a bicycle, a scooter or a car.
In Uttar Pradesh, where the Samajwadi Party has just returned to power, the figure is higher, with more than 67% of households traveling by bicycle. That’s the highest percentage of all Indian states. Sikkim, in India’s northeast, had the lowest figure, with just 0.9% households owning bicycles.
While car sales in India have skyrocketed in recent years, they are still considered an unaffordable luxury by most Indian households, the report says.
Of households surveyed, 21% travel by scooter, motorcycle or moped, while only 4.7% enjoy the luxury of a car.
Goa has the highest proportion of people using motorized two-wheelers and cars. Some 56% households ride around the state on scooters, motorcycles or mopeds and 24.6% travel by car. In contrast, only 5.6% households in northeast India’s Meghalaya travel by motorized two-wheelers.
The report says that a sizeable proportion of Indian households have no “specified mode of transport.” This may mean they travel by public transport, or on tamed animals, or by foot, Census Commissioner of India C. Chandramouli said in an interview. Mr. Chandramouli noted that owning a specific mode of transport “does not necessarily reflect economic well-being.”
He cites the example of India’s northeastern states of Sikkim, Nagaland and Mizoram where over 80% surveyed households do not own a bicycle, a scooter or a car. Northeast India’s “hilly terrain makes it uncomfortable for residents to travel using these modes of transport,” he said. “Public transport is thereby a far more convenient option — even for the rich.”
Does Mr. Chandramouli believe India’s aam admni will upgrade from two wheels to four over the next decade? “We cannot jump to any conclusions,” he says.
But the automobile industry is optimistic.
A recent report by IHS Automotive forecast that India’s car sales are set to rise from 2.9 million in 2010 to 4.8 million by 2016.
“There are huge growth prospects for India’s automobile industry,” Vishnu Mathur, director general of the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers, told India Real Time.
Mr. Mathur estimates that by 2020, India’s car sales will have quadrupled to nine million vehicles. With a series of low cost cars hitting Indian roads, there will be many first-time buyers, he adds.
“Yes, the progression will not happen overnight,” Mr. Mathur said, however, “the aam admi will definitely graduate from riding a bicycle to driving a four-wheeler soon.”
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