Darjeeling, 20 June 2012:
The Communist Party of India (Marxist) [CPI (M)], Darjeeling District Committee Party members under the leadership of its Party leader, Saman Pathak today submitted a memorandum to the District Magistrate (DM) Dr Soumitra Mohan regarding the proposed Gorkha Territorial Administration (GTA) election which is to be held shortly within the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC) area.
Pathak, informing about the memorandum notified that through it they have demanded the Administration to call on an all party meeting before issuing the notification for the GTA elections in order to have fair election process. The Administration should ensure peaceful and democratic atmosphere in the Darjeeling hills, so that all the political parties can function without threat and intimidations.
Mentioning that the CPI (M) was the 1st party to demand for the GTA elections Pathak said that they welcome the election procedure. Not only the Administration but even all the political parties should also bear the responsibility in creating a better atmosphere for the elections.
Further notifying that 25-30% residents and voters of Darjeeling hills who are compelled to stay outside the hills after being politically victimized, he asserted that these people should be allowed to return to the hills. Administration should play a major role in this task, he added.
Lastly, when asked that whether the CPI (M) will be taking part in the elections, he acquainted that 1st they will observe whether the political atmosphere is appropriate or not, then only the party shall decide further.
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