Applications are being invited till 28th February, 2011 for admission to Company Secretaries (CS) Executive Programme conducted by Institute of Company Secretaries of India. For the examination to be held in December, 2011 any graduate in B.A / B.Sc / B.Com disciplines (excluding Fine Arts) can pursue the CS EXECUTIVE PROGRAMME.
CS as a career
Career as a CS is prestigious, financially rewarding and carries with it a high level of job satisfaction. With increasing globalization, numerous corporate entities have emerged on the Indian economic scene. Increasing competition among the corporate houses coupled with the opening up of the economy brings with it the complexities in the running of an organization. It is here that a Company Secretary is needed to provide sound advice on corporate, legal, secretarial, administrative and even tax related matters.
A well trained CS can get employment in government accounts or law departments. S/he can also become a Chairman or Managing Director of a Company or be a part of the Board of Directors of a Company.
ICSI members (Photo Credit:
In lay man’s terms a CS is a like an advisor for legal matters. A CS ensures that the company law procedures are strictly followed and adhered to under all circumstances. CS guides the Board and the Chairman to make the best use of their responsibilities under various law matters.
Stages to become a Company Secretary
One can join the Course after 10+2. For this s/he has to undergo three stages to pursue the Company Secretaries Course i.e. Foundation Programme, Executive Programme & Professional Programme. The student also has to undergo Practical Training for about 15 months which a student may opt to start after passing the Executive Programme.
The Student who would like to join the Course after Graduation have to undergo only two stages of the Company Secretaryship i.e. Executive Programme & Professional Programme. Graduates do not need to undergo Foundation Programme. Practical Training for about 15 months is same as for 10+2 candidates.
Foundation Programme is of eight months duration and can be pursued by 10+2 pass students of Arts, Science or Commerce stream. Executive Programme can be pursued by a Graduate of all streams except Fine Arts.
After qualifying Professional Examination and on successful completion of training a candidate is admitted as an Associate Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) and can use the letters ACS after his/her name i.e. Associate Company Secretary. Admission to the CS Course is open throughout the year. Examinations are held twice a year in June & December.
The ICSI is a premier National professional distance education body, established by an Act of Parliament (Company Secretaries Act, 1980) and imparts compulsory Postal Tuition (by correspondence) along with provision for optional oral coaching classes. Admission to the CS course is open throughout the year. After qualifying the Executive and Professional Examination students are required to undergo Practical and Modular Training to become qualified Company Secretaries.
Cut off dates for admission to CS course:
For Foundation Programme: 31st March for appearing in December Examination in the same year
30th September for June Examination next year
For Executive Programme: 28th February for December Exams in the same year
31st August for June Exam next year
CS Prospectus can be obtained from any of the offices of the Institute across India.
Cost of Prospectus for Foundation Programme : Rs. 200/- by cash payment while
Rs. 250/- by Post or courier
Cost of Prospectus for the Executive Programme : Rs. 300/- by cash payment while
Rs.350/- by Post or courier
Payment Option : The payment can be sent to the Headquarters by demand draft drawn in favour of ‘The Institute of Company Secretaries of India’ payable at New Delhi OR by cash across the counter from the Headquarters, Regional Offices & a few of the Chapters.
Fee Structure for CS Course
The fee for CS Foundation Programme: Rs. 3600/-
for Executive Programm: Rs. 7000/- for Commerce Graduates
Rs. 7750/- for Non Commerce Students
ICSI offices across India
The ICSI has its Headquarters at ICSI House, 22 Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi and Regional offices at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai & New Delhi and 69 Chapters located in various cities in India.
ICSI Centers in India
ICSI has 66 Examination Centres scattered all over India including one overseas centre at Dubai. For students from Sikkim and the rest of Northeast there is a .edu/webmodules/homepage/map_icsi.swf”>center in Assam and Kolkata. For the exact address of the Guwahati center click here and for Kolkata center click here.
Employment Prospects
*A qualified company secretary has openings in Employment and as Practising Independent Professional.
*Companies with a paid up share capital of Rs.2 crores or more are compulsorily required to appoint a whole time Company Secretary who is a Member of ICSI.
*All companies seeking listing on Stock Exchange are required to appoint a whole time company secretary.
*Membership of the Institute is recognized for appointment to superior posts and services under Central Government.
Self-Employment/Practising Company Secretaries
· After obtaining a ‘Certificate of Practice’ from the Institute, Members of the Institute can go in for Independent Practice.
· Every company having a paid-up share capital of Rs. Ten Lakhs or more but less than Rs. Five Crores is required to engage the services of a Secretary in Whole-Time Practice for issue of Compliance Certificate.
· Pursuant to Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement, Practising Company Secretaries have been authorized to issue Certificate regarding compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in the Clause.
The CS Course is:
· Recognized by the various Universities for admission to PhD Course
· appointment of Lecturers in Commerce & Management
Current Opportunity:
So what are you waiting for? A career as a CS would be all the more rewarding for students from north east and Sikkim as huge investments are going to come in various sectors in these states in the years to come.
The Prospectus can also be obtained through Registered Post by sending a Demand Draft/Postal Order for Rs.350/- favouring “The Institute of Company Secretaries of India ”from any of the 73 offices of the ICSI spread all over India. For further details log on to:
CS Helpline numbers: , & (Delhi) & & (NOIDA).
Go and grab the opportunity and conquer the world.
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Deepa Bisht
April 12, 2011 at 8:56 am
Dear sir,
I am Deepa, final year student of Company Secretary.i gave 2 times of final exam but the result is always negative.whats the reason , could you please guide me.
that i know it is very good opportunity for career but one thing i want to ask ,why they are not clear in the final exam .
April 12, 2011 at 12:00 pm
Dear Deepa,
We understand your anxiety due to unfavourable result. You will need to concentrate and put all your effort with a sense of enjoyment and duty. Do contact your seniors and faculties, if you feel you are unable to get through despite putting your effort in the right direction. Sometime, it is all about having a bit of patience. Don’t quit. Fight it and you will have it.
Wish you all the best
Arun Suresh
May 2, 2011 at 5:30 pm
Dear Sir,
Can i do CS from Dubai? ICSI web site is unable to access from here. Please help me.
Arun Suresh
May 2, 2011 at 5:34 pm
Dear Sir,
I am currently working as an Accountant in Dubai. Is CS course is a fine choice for me?Self studying will help me to get this? Expecting your advice and guidance.
udit ojha
April 19, 2012 at 5:58 am
Rajnikanta Mahapatra
April 26, 2012 at 12:09 pm
i am a final year arts student . so can i eligible for the cs intermidiate course
Rajnikanta Mahapatra
April 26, 2012 at 12:11 pm
I am a final year Arts can i eligible for cs executive course
March 20, 2014 at 4:22 pm
I am getting only negative results in executive level ;