IPR Report
A team from the Agriculture and Horticulture department headed by Shri P.L.Subba, Chairman, Farmer’s welfare Board participated in the World Organic Trade fair ( Bio fach 2011) in Nuremberg, Germany being held from 16th to 19th February 2011.The team includes Shri Vishal Chauhan, Secretary, FSAD and HCCDand two officers of the department. The main objective of the tour is to showcase Sikkim as an organic state of the India and also see possibilities of tie up for marketing of organic produces of the state.
The entire international community involved in Organic agriculture in the World put up their stalls at the venue. More than 575 exhibitors representing 117 countries paricipated in the exhibition with theme on organic food, organic wine,organic textiles and organic wellness products. .The main event includes exhibition, seminars in different halls and buyers- sellers meet.
In the India pavillion, various Govt. Enterprises and private companies displayed their products. Sikkim large cardamom and Temi tea was also displayed in the stall. Policy document on Sikkim Organic Mission 2015 released by Hon,ble Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling was distributed from the India pevillion and made known to the representatives and buyers of various countries about Sikkim as an organic state.
Early in the day a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Chairman of APEDA Shri Asit Tripathy and CEO of BIOfach, Germany for making India a contry of the year in the Bio Fach 2012 before the world press luncheon. In his speach Mt Asit Tripathy made a special mention of Sikkim that Sikkim will be the only state which will be completely organic by the year 2015.
Participants interacting with delegates from other countries
In the aftrenoon a seminar on India Organics and Learnings forRegional Organic Development was Chaired by Shri P L Subba, Chairman Farmers’ welfare Board. In the seminar key speakers were Mr Mukesh Gupta Presisent Morarka Foundation, Mr Rajshekar, CEO of 24 letter Mantra a organic retail chain of South india and Shri Vishal Chauhan Secretary, FSAD and HCCD on Sikkim organic story since 2003 and achievements made till today when 7600 hectare is already certified and remaing total 50,000 ha to be completed by the year 2015. Presentation on Sikkim Going Organic invoked a lot of interest among the participants specially on the products like ginger, large cardamom, Sikkim mandarin oranges, temi tea, buckwheat etc.
In the late afternoon Sikkim delegation had a meeting with Mr Hans Hohenester, Chairman of a reknowned certifying company of Europe-NATURALAND, which is the oldest and one of the three largest certifying agency of the Europe. In the meeting possibilities of marketing of Organic products from Sikkim in due course of time was discussed.The chairman agreed to support in activities like certification for Europe market and sale of products.
In the evening a meeting was held with Dr. Urs Nigli, DirectorFiBL ( Reasech Institure of Organic Agriculture ) Switzerland and it was decided that as per the MOU of FiBL with Agriculture Department, Government of Sikkim, work will be initiated on specific pest and nutrition management related problems of Sikkim crops. The team shall proceed to Switzerland on 20th February to visit FIBL Research institution in Frick to study various research and training activities on organic farming.
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