The survival of mankind vastly depends on survival of the animals and conservation of nature and vice- versa. With globalization many species have become endangered but along with these changes people are being aware of the adverse effects and are trying to conserve and preserve these species either by letting them free in the wild or captivating them for both our and their safety.
In regard to this the director cum owner of Mogo Zoo, Australia Padey Simonne Wendy and Van Der Merne Hannelie visited the Himalayan Zoological Park, Bulbuley; on the third day of their stay in the capital i.e. on the 22nd February they had discussions with the zoo officials for future management, planning and designing of the zoological park to make it into a modern zoo.
While speaking with the media Ms. Wendy said that though Mogo Zoo is a fully privatized zoo unlike the Himalayan Zoological Park still both of these work for the similar motive i.e. protecting the wildlife. Impressed with the efforts put by the Forest, Environment and Wildlife Department, Govt. of Sikkim Ms. Wendy said that Sikkim seems to be really working hard in the field of conservation and preservation. Also briefing about the 21 years old Mogo Zoo situated on the South Coast of New South Wales, Australia she informed that the zoo is fully committed to the survival of endangered species. The zoo has over 200 animals, including more than 39 rare and exotic species and the largest collection of primates in any private Zoo in Australia.
Pleased with her visit in the state and the park Ms. Wendy stated that the Himalayan Zoological Park can make a wonderful progress within 10 years. The Himalayan Zoological Park and the Mogo Zoo are also planning on exchange of animals within India and Australia if both the Indian and the Australian government allow the import and export of animals. Not only exchange of animals but even the zoo employees can be interchanged for a certain period so that they can learn and share each other’s knowledge and experiences, said Ms. Hannelie.
She added that the best thing about the Himalayan Zoological Park is its natural habitat, therefore the people should be made aware of it and they should learn to conserve along with enjoying the nature’s gift. Mr. Gut Lepcha, IFS and Conservator of Forests (Wildlife) informed that the Himalayan Zoological Park is still in a developing stage and it houses a total of 48 mammals and 32 birds.
The department is also focusing on conservation of amphibians and reptiles in the coming future. Since the male and the female snow leopards are related and not many variations can be seen when bred, therefore a male snow leopard can be imported from Mogo Zoo if allowed, added Mr. Lepcha. Both Ms. Wendy and Ms. Hannelie will be touring all the districts of the state and will be visiting the main tourist hot spots from February 23- March 2nd and they will be meeting the officers of the Zoo.
Courtesy: Sikkim Mail
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