“..our work, our revolution and our promises are yet to be completed and fully achieved. Our revolution is continuing” : Pawan Chamling
Gangtok: December 12, 2010
The Sikkim Democratic Front came to power on 12th December 1994, with the prime aim to secure Democracy in true sense of the word based on the principles of law and good governance. During the last sixteen years the SDF Government has devoted all its time, energy and thoughts towards fulfilling this promise. In a message from the Chief Minister, Pawan Chamling to the people of Sikkim on the occasion of Government Formation Day it has been mentioned that he worked tirelessly for the people so that they can live a fully enriched life with freedom, dignity, self respect and righteousness.
The Government has achieved a great deal in the last 16 years but still much remains to be done. When the Sikkimese people gave its mandate to SDF party in 1994, it marked the end of the era of political rhetoric, economic backwardness and exploitation of the common people. The SDF Government began to reinstate people’s rights and liberty to enable them to live a respectable life in a democratic system. What followed after that has been a long and tireless struggle, intellectually, mentally and physically for working towards improvement in the socio-economic condition and reposing faith in the rule of law.
It further adds that the people of Sikkim should know that the ideological revolution which Mr Chamling had started was aimed at changing the mind set and empowering the Sikkimese people fully. The goal was to create a new and self-reliant Sikkim. Chamling has neither forgotten this avowed goal set by SDF party and the Government nor veered away from it even for a moment.
During sixteen years of this popular Government, he has tried to free the people from the bondage of inherent poverty and used his wisdom and energy in their favour. “I never wasted my time, rather every moment was utilized for meaningful purpose. I always consider karma (deed) as the greatest dharma (religion). I always pray to the Almighty to make me the medium of peace and channel of love, so that I may be able to utilize my entire energy in mitigating the sufferings of people and enabling me to work continuously to serve the sick and the needy”, adds the message.
The people have seen that we have worked with dedication and steadfast purpose to promote peace and security in the State. The people are aware that peace, after all, does not come on a platter. There are elements trying to disrupt the peaceful ambience for their own selfish ends. The Government has managed to keep cool under extreme provocation by such anti-people forces as it knows that peace and stability is the key element to progress and prosperity of the State and the nation. In a civilized world peace, security, self respect, dignity and freedom is what people crave for. And in Sikkim, people have all those aspects and therefore, every Sikkimese should not only be aware of these but also learn to value them.
From day one of the taking over of Government, SDF Government was very concerned about the poor infrastructure and therefore during the last sixteen years it has given topmost priority to the creation of state of art infrastructures in all sectors like buildings for hospitals, schools, colleges, stadiums, shopping complexes, car parks, Block Administrative Centres, High Court, District Administrative Centres, Panchayat Ghars, Model Villages, roads etc. Education has been top priority and the Government has been allocating more than 19% of the budget for this sector and at present the literacy rate is 82% as against 56.94% in 1993-94.
This Government is also successful in getting a Central University, which has already started functioning. The SDF Government is the first Government in the country to institute a separate Directorate of Capacity Building to train local youth in different trades and disciplines and the idea is to create a pool of human resource so that all opportunities created in the State are adequately harnessed by the people.
“I am happy to say that my Government has been successful in getting Sikkim Subject holders and their descendents exempted from Indian Income Tax Act, 1961, and my government is also pursuing vigorously for reservation of seats for Limboos and Tamangs in the State Assembly and I am very confident that this will also turn into reality.” With the formation of SDF Government, people of Sikkim got a new lease of life.
Today, each and every individual has tasted freedom, growth and peace. With the efforts of the Government, Sikkim today has become a more prosperous and peaceful State, where the people are fully endowed with rights and privileges. Owing to development oriented policies and good governance, Sikkim today is passing through an era of ‘Democratic Profit’. “However, our work, our revolution and our promises are yet to be completed and fully achieved. Our revolution is continuing. Considering our efforts, sincerity and transparency, the Sikkimese people must repose the faith of their prowess and creative energy upon us in creating a new and prosperous Sikkim.”
The SDF Government has a vision for Sikkim to make it 100% literate, organic and self-reliant State by 2015. His dream is to transform Sikkim into a prosperous, progressive State and he wishes the people to live a full life with freedom, dignity, self respect and righteousness reads the message. “On this occasion I would also like to wish the people of Sikkim a very happy, healthy and a prosperous New Year”.
(Courtesy:Sikkim Mail)
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