Neeta Nirash
Gangtok: May 15, 2012
The followers of the Dalai Lama are preparing for the ‘Nya-Tsethar’, releasing the fish back into the water, a life saving act for the long life of His Holiness.
According to Dadenla, an active member of the Chekasum Association, Gangtok, the live fish worth estimated cost of above 3 lakh would be purchased from Siliguri and Kolkata and will be released to a river in Kolkata near a Hindu Temple ghat. This would be done as an act of virtue for the long life of Dalai Lama, their spiritual Guru and also for the welfare of general public on the 15th day of 4th month of the Tibetan Calendar i.e. Saga Dawa festival, which falls on 4th June this year.
Saga Dawa is also celebrated as the birthday of the Lord Buddha. The fish instead of being eaten up by human beings would get new lease of life by getting back to the river. In the meantime, the devotees and followers of the Dalai Lama, have been, donating generously for the noble cause. A five day long puja was organized by the Chekasum Association, at Gangtok, for world peace and that of the State. This holy organization ended today.
The annual puja, being performed since last forty years was done by 160 monks of Kargyu sect of Buddhism.
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