“We encourage giving loans to bright students who want to undergo higher education and higher skill development training coaching in reputed institutes in the Country for All India Competitive examination like Banking, Civil Services and Sub ordinate Services.”
~ Pawan Chamling
Here is the detail message…
Respected fellow Sikkimese
On the occasion of 19th Anniversary of the SDF Government Formation Day, I extend warm greetings to the people of Sikkim. On December 12, 1994 the people of Sikkim installed, for the first time, a truly democratic government responsive to the needs and aspirations of the people and ever since this party and the government have continued to enjoy the confidence of the Sikkimese people winning public mandate after mandate in each subsequent elections held thereafter. This, I believe, is the result of good governance based on people-centric programs and policies with both short-term and long-term goals. On this day, therefore, I express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the people of Sikkim for their continued support and confidence on our governance and also congratulate them for their responsible decision to strengthen democratic institutions, promote socio-economic prosperity, peace and security, communal harmony and development in the State.
Through sheer hard work and ambitious development program, Sikkim today is one of the most progressive States in the Indian union. The socio-economic indicators of the pre-1994 Sikkim and the post 1994 Sikkim clearly reflect the dichotomy and the improved life standards of the Sikkimese people. This we have been able to achieve through two-pronged strategies. One, we have invested our energy and resources to social sectors including education and health to ensure quality human development. And secondly, we have identified revenue-generating sectors and worked towards full realization of potential areas including hydro-power generation and promotion of eco-tourism trade.
In the health sector, the much acclaimed CATCH program has covered 50% of the state’s population. Mukhya Mantri Jeewan Rakshya scheme is to facilitate the sick for treatment outside the State while at the same time, the 575 bedded multi-specialty Hospital is expected to complete by 2014 where we will have our own Medical College at the Multi-Specialty Hospital. In education sector, the existing arrangement will be re-assessed to make facilities for creating greater awareness amongst children and education opportunities. We are committed to providing land and other ancillaries to Central University at the earliest and work in tandem with authorities at the Central University which the Government of India has created for the people of Sikkim.
Respected citizens
Over the years, the result has been evident. We have been able to integrate Sikkim into the mainstream in a more meaningful way. Now we are part of the North East Council. Limboo and Tamang communities are Scheduled tribes. The traditional Nathula pass is re-opened for trade and the import-export items expanded for realistic outcome. Income Tax exemption to Sikkimese has been granted by the Government of India. We have to secure Assembly seats for Limboo and Tamang. Hydro-power generation and eco-tourism are earnestly promoted area for a sustainable revenue base. Small scale clean industrial units including pharmaceutical units set up in the State to provide additional job avenues for our local people. We are preparing youths to be competitive with the Chief Minister Merit Scholarship rewarding the toppers with cash award of Rs. 1 lakh, Rs. 75,000 and Rs. 50,000 to local Sikkimese bagging rank No.1, rank No.2 and rank No.3 respectively in all the three streams of Science, Commerce and Arts in the CBSE at Class XII level and similarly three cash awards for rank No.1, rank No.2 and rank No.3 in CBSE class X level. We encourage giving loans to bright students who want to undergo higher education and higher skill development training coaching in reputed institutes in the Country for All India Competitive examination like Banking, Civil Services and Sub ordinate Services. Our Skill Development programme will be further graduated.
We are also pursuing development model based on principle of social equity and justice. Woman folks are given equal social status at par with their male counterparts through granting them affirmative share. In fact, we introduced some preferential treatment including exclusive reservation in government employment and panchayati raj. The recently concluded Panchayat election in Sikkim has seen 50% women in Gram Panchayat, Zilla Panchayat and Zilla Adhakshaya and up Adhakshya posts.
We have gained regional, national and international recognition for some of our innovative schemes like Organic Mission, Capacity Building, Green Mission, eco-friendly tourism etc. In fact, many programs similar to ours are being launched at the national level. We have received number of national awards as mark of recognition under various sectors. We are being honoured for Best all round State in overall performance in entire country, for environmental protection and growth, for core infrastructure development and drinking water and sanitation.
That means, we have now gained much ground in terms of development and the need of the hour is to further consolidate our efforts of the past. Today, we have created enough democratic space for all to prosper and establish Sikkimese culture to appreciate good works and recognize their contribution. This is a healthy practice to bestow honour where it is due. Consequently, we have honoured distinguished personalities like late Kazi Lhendup Dorjee, the first Chief Minister of democratic Sikkim.
We have challenges ahead owing to various factors which are global in nature. We have to tackle them at the local level. Knowing well that every effort counts, I am sure that every Sikkimese would contribute something positive.
Dear citizens, though the path is long and hard, we have clearly seen our way forward and the direction we take henceforth. We are trying to secure Scheduled Tribe Status for the remaining Sikkimese people. With full confidence in the collective wisdom of the beloved Sikkimese people and support we are bound to succeed. With Guru Rimpoche’s blessing and our efforts we will achieve our objectives for ensuring peace, progress, prosperity and development in the State.
Wishing fellow Sikkimese once again on the Anniversary of Government formation, I pray to the Almighty for your good health, well being, peace, communal harmony, progress and prosperity. Towards that objective, let us re-dedicate ourselves today for the tasks. Here I am reminded of the unflinching work of our bureaucracy headed by the Chief Secretary and Director General of Police and their team of sub-ordinates.
Thank you once again
Jai Sikkim
Jai Hind
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