Karma Sonam Bhutia is first recipient of for Chief Minister’s Free Scholarship

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The name of Shri Karma Sonam Bhutia S/o Shri Norbu Tshering Bhutia R/o of Pelling, west Sikkim has been selected for the Chief Minister’s Free Scholarship Scheme which was recently announced by the Chief Minister during his Independence Day speech at Paljor Stadium, Gangtok. Shri Bhutia was successful in securing admission in University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and subsequently applied for Chief Minister’s Free Scholarship Scheme. The scheme is for students who succeed in getting admission through competitive entrance exam to the world’s 20 top Universities for higher studies in any discipline. As per HRDD, the University of California, Los Angeles features among the top 20 in maximum websites. Shri Bhutia is the first receipent of this scholarship from the state.

Shri Karma Sonam Bhutia has been excelling in academics as well as other fields right from his school days. He received Regional award for topper in the region in ICSE 2003 in Kalimpong, West Bengal with an aggregate of 92%. He was the school topper in ISC with 93%. He has also received Bhanu Puraskar in Bhanu Jayanti on securing highest marks in Nepali in ICSE 2003 and was a top ranking student in the institute in the 1st to 5th semester in NIT Calicut. He was also a Gold Medalist in ECE department in NIT Calicut and was also a receipent of Cromptom Greaves Limited Sponsorship for academic excellence in B.Tech (Electronics scores) among 20 NITs of the country.

Shri Karma Sonam Bhutia after graduating with Gold Medal in B.Tech from NIT Calicut was working as Design Engineer in Analog Devices India Pvt. Ltd., which is involved in designing computer chips. The course he has now opted is M.S.(Masters in Science) in Electronic Circuits and Systems in Electronic Engineering, which is equivalent to M.Tech. This will enable him to specialize in the field of designing computer chips which are extensively used in application specific fields, such as automobile control systems, avionics, audio systems, bio medical applications etc. He would also serve as a very good resource person for our educational institutions.

This is one instance where a Sikkimese student from a remote place in West Sikkim has shown consisteltly brilliant academic excellence right through his school days till now which is an example to emulate by other students. The Chief Minister during his Independence Day Speech very recently had highlighted the need to encourage competitiveness amongst out students, the basic firmament in the award of Chief Minister’s Scholarship for Public School Education under Chief Minister’s Meritorious Scholarship Scheme being increased to 1000.



  • chunki bhutia

    love u so much aagyaaa…. n im so much proud of u….. ur just like a inspiration 4 us….. feel very proud to be sister of such a talented brother.

  • jennifer Pachuau

    wow!!!!…congrats karma..u definitely deserve it!!!!:)

  • sangay ongmu

    my brother truly is a GENIUS!!!!!

  • rinchen dorjee bhutia

    good achievement bro

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