Gangtok, May 8, 2012:
Amidst the gathering of more than 200 students from the Sikkim University (SU) affiliated Colleges namely Sikkim Government College, Tadong and Namchi Government College, Kamrang the Students’ Union of Sikkim (SUS) today declared a Highway jam/ block if the demands laid by them on behalf of the students are not fulfilled within a week by the Vice Chancellor (VC) Prof Mahendra P Lama.
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Regarding the same the SUS met the VC today and submitted the 8 demands to him and also submitted a request letter to the Minister of Human Resource & Development Department (HR&DD), NK Pradhan and the HR&DD Secretary, CS Rao requesting them to support the demands. Voicing out the highlighted demands the SUS along with the students of the affiliated colleges assembled at the Sikkim Government College and the Secretariat (outside HR&DD office). Later a meeting was also held at Limboo Bhawan where the students and the Union discussed about the day’s event and the Union’s meet with the VC earlier today.
The SUS President, Jiwan Subba informed that the VC has assured them about acting on the matter as soon as possible. Speaking about the demand of courses to be introduced at Post Graduate level Subba complained that they have been waiting since 5 years for the specific courses to be implemented. Every year the Union remained hopeful that SU will be doing so but during the 11th Plan there was no mention of the courses, instead the University said that they will include it during the 12th Plan, he added.
Subba, acquainting that the VC had once said that they do not have enough infrastructure, questioned that if the SU was lacking in infrastructure, then why in the first place they started other courses too. Speaking about the fee structure the President said that SU too should lower the fee at par with other Central Universities of the country. He notified that Prof Lama had mentioned that 3 local students pursuing their Masters are granted stipend by the University from the fees collected from the local and foreign candidates, but till date no such facilities have come to notice. Similarly, mentioning about the 50% reservation demand by SUS, the President clarified that they are not trying to deprive outside students from their educational rights, instead they are simply asking for the rights of the local students of which they are worthy of.
Highlighting about the errors during the assessment of the results, Subba stated that the VC when asked about it blames the College professors and lecturers. Prof Lama is trying to create a gap between the students and the College administration by putting his share of blame to the professors and lecturers for it is the duty of the University to do the final assessment after the results are scrutinized by the Colleges and forwarded to SU, alleged Subba. By saying this, the VC in a way is also trying to manipulate the students and to divert them from their demands, he asserted.
The President further complained that the VC once mentioning that the University holds no responsibility of the affiliated Colleges for they are not constituent, had underlined that the students’ and the Unions’ issue are the State Government’s and the respective College’s problem.
He also mentioned that the SUS will also be forwarding their Signature Campaign and today’s demand report to the President of India, Prime Minister, Minister of HRD, Government of India (GOI), the State’s Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha MPs, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of HRD, GOI, SU Chancellor and the UGC Chairman.
Lastly, the President saying that the demands are genuine added that the demand are in favour of the students of the State and has also been well supported by the faculties of the affiliated colleges. “Our demand is not only for the betterment of the students today, but it is also meant for the bright future of the coming generations. We are creating history for a better future tomorrow”, he stated.
During the meet Subba also congratulated the students for their demand rally and also thanked them for the support which was large and unexpected. He also appealed the students to be sincere in their demands and remain united throughout.
1. Large number of regular courses which are running in the affiliated colleges such as History, Commerce, Education, English, Political Science, Tourism, Botany, Zoolgy, regional language etc. to be provided in the SU at Post Graduation level from the immediate coming session.
2. While in the admission policy of SU, 25% reservation is set aside for the students coming from abroad willing to pursue higher education in M Phil/ Phd programme. Hence in the union too want 50% reservation for the local students in post graduation and higher level studies.
3. Formation of College Development Committee at the soonest.
4. Filling up the full strength of the students in various courses in the university.
5. Bring down the fee structure at par with other central universities in the country.
6. Definite and valid results to be put up in the website else provide authenticated results within one week from the declaration of the results in website.
7. Need to include college’s faculty members in the executive council and academic council of the university.
8. Review of Zero Semester system.
Sikkim Mail
Is Delhi Police friendly towards the people of North East states?
May 17, 2012 at 8:20 am
Education (system) in Sikkim, both at school and college level, and at SU, is a total failure.
HRDD and Politicians (plus Mr. MP Lama) need to define the catch phrase “Quality Education”. First have a quality administration, the quality education follows. I have been closely watching the education system in our state since 1999. I am sure that the education system in Sikkim can never be improved unless the following points are catered with utmost consideration.
1. No HRDD employee, be a teacher, professor or officials (office staffs through JD, Director, JS, Additional Sec.), educate their children in private SCHOOLs from (say) 2014 onwards. No DA and increments if they do so. Sounds crazy but works.
2. No transfer of HRDD officials to other departments other than to inter-district HRDD offices. Get retired with HRDD badge.
3. HRDD secretary will be just a ceremonial, no active role in the SCHOOL administration.
4. No transfers of teachers and non-teaching staffs unless they complete 5 years of continuous service at a particular school. Transfer after 5 years of service is mandatory.
6. Increase the salary of HRDD officials and nonteaching staff by 5% and that of the teachers by 10% against the current salary of the employees in other departments.
7. Recruit teachers every year; interview in Dec, result declaration in Jan, and joining in Feb. HRDD need to explain the term “Technical difficulties” often used if they are to delay the declaration of results of the interview. Stop adhoc or contract appointments.
8. No private tuition by Science and Maths teachers. If they really concern about the students, they may be advised to take extra classes before and after school.
9. Train all Lab attendants and Lab assistants. No training since 1984. Train them rigorously in winter vacation, December through February. How they were sent to schools without being trained? What they doing in school??
10. Introduce B. Ed. as optional in bachelor courses. Extend the study leave for teachers by 1 year. Give 1 year sabbatical leave to all teachers every 7 years of service. Give State Awards to those who attain the highest academic echelon.
11. Make file processing (at least in HRDD office) completely electronic. All HRDD employees need to submit their profile electronically and keep updating.
12. Do not upgrade the schools without first recruiting the teachers and providing substantial infrastructures, particularly science labs and equipments for vocational educations. This is more serious in SU. What was the need of courses like Music, Asian language (Chinese), Peace and Conflict studies etc.? Why not the subjects like English, History, Tourism, Botany, Zoology?? Why not Mathematics??? What Mr. MP Lama doing at Samdur???? Why there is no peace, only conflict at SU?????
May 17, 2012 at 11:26 am
sad to see that Suman has included Prof Lama with the politicians. Out of the 12 points you make about quality education in Sikkim it is seen that in 11 points the state government has not done a good enough job. As for the last point asking why unique courses have been introduced in Sikkim University. As far as I am concerned I am studying at JNU and even JNU offers these courses including several other central universities. Courses like history, tourism, botany, zoology are already there in the state colleges. But following up these general courses with these unique courses gives the students an inter disciplinary perspective and therefore they have an added advantage of being unique and a bonus to them in the job Market. But then the people of Sikkim will never understand the true value of Prof lama.
May 17, 2012 at 6:57 pm
You mean JNU, the great? Dude, JNU is not the Havard, neither the Caltech as Mr. MP Lama equates to fool the folks around. “She” became VC on the strong and persistent recommendation of Mr. Chamling, now “once bitten twice shy” to the latter. Even M. Sc microbiology was started with the vested interest of the registrar, Jyoti. Had SU started M. Sc. In Botany and Zoology, 7 Sikkimese Ph. D. holders could have had become Assistant Prof. Why the candidates called for Feb interview not shortlisted? 47 candidates against 4 posts. As many as 11 candidates had no Ph. D. Sheer betrayal to the deserving Sikkimese candidates. Understand the ground reality before floating falls impression. It helps.
May 18, 2012 at 5:05 am
Sad to see your spelling mistakes mr/ms extremely learned suman. First come up to the standard of JNU and then try and compare the Sikkimese educational institutions like Harvard and caltech. And if you do want to compare then why not compare SMIT with caltech and MIT ?? Also my question to the HCM would be if it is per his recommendations that Prof lama was appointed the VC od Sikkim University. Why does he not tell the Sikkimese people who he has recommended to be the next VC of Sikkim University. Then we will truly know whether the central government would take seriously the recommendations of a man who has only studied till class 4 or 5 for the appointment of a VC.
Also Prof Joyti was not in SU when the microbiology course was begun he came in much later and therefore he could not have had any vested interests in the same.
I do not have FALSE impression about anything. I see the true picture and believe in the non-politically motivated people like Prof lama.
May 18, 2012 at 6:46 am
You read! Falls was a deliberate bobby trap (to you), but you failed to identify Lama’s true gender. Lama is dual! The Kenema ko doctor (Joyti aka Bhalu among the colleagues) was lobbying to have a separate institute for microbiology way back in 2001, but failed. Microbiology in SU was destined to highlight Jyoti for the position he was trying his luck.
Chamling had a great hope that Lama may understand the infancy of academic revolution in Sikkim, thus recommended, but regretted to the extent that he denounced the matter publicly. What was the need of hiring a photographer who clicked 3-5 snapshots of the candidates outside the interview hall (hotel in Delhi), while the candidates already had attached passport size photo in the application form? Was that for the contract killers to be hired (easily available in Delhi), if the candidates voiced against the interview, which is not so uncommon in Lama’s home town??
Singh J
May 18, 2012 at 9:39 am
Can anybody tellme any fresh candidates selected for assistant prof. in any subject
May 18, 2012 at 5:03 pm
I see suman that you again made a spelling error. It’s BOOBY and not BOBBY. I hope that mistake too was intentional. As for Mr Jyoti I feel you have some personal animosity against him. But you see just like the HCM and the newly formed Sikkim Students’ Union without answering or replying to my previous question you have moved on a totally different and new topic. Well that is the problem with all these people who come up with shallow issues/problems against SU they donor follow it through to it’s logical end. Where have the unemployed youths’ union disappeared after disrupting the recruitment process. If there was any truth behind the irrergularities at SU how come the case against them in the HIgh Court of Sikkim was withdrawn alleging irregular recruitment process ??
May 19, 2012 at 1:52 am
This dunce is in cascading trap (it worked). Here is the much awaited homework for you. Come Samdur in case of difficulties.
1. Why Lama (VC) deferred the interview for selection for over two years?
2. Clarify the logic behind the interviews being conducted in Delhi. Why not at Gangtok?
3. Recruitment is not an emergency case where he can exercise the emergency power bestowed on him, but he did. Selection committee in absence of executive council?
4. Why Lama did not shortlisted the candidates? I reiterate that there were as many as 11 candidates who didn’t have Ph. D. degree, and some didn’t have even a single paper to defend their ongoing Ph.D. work. How such candidates were called for interview?
5. Unveil honestly the case of Ang-Su-mala Tamang (DARJEELING).
6. Was that the candidates who were already working on adhoc basis at par with the other deserving candidates? Review the CVs of some of those who were not selected. Justify, the rejection to a candidate with 7 years of teaching experience at master level.
7. Why Lama has so much of trust on the candidates (thus selected) from Delhi, Pantnagar, Banaras and the adjoining areas? I understand DARJEELING.
8. Comment on “Verbatim: I thought I was interviewed for Ph. D. course as was advertised and submitted my research proposal but narrowly escaped from the improvised M. Phil. course. I left SU.”